
Board Members as of 26 March 2022

The following Founding Members donated at least €20,000 to the Club and hence their name will be displayed in the Clubhouse and on the website of the Club. They are listed in the chronological order in which they committed to the donation. It is proposed that after the 28th of November, 2016 , the threshold donation in order to obtain the title of a Benefactor is raised to €25,000.

  1. Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou – Chairman of the Board and Commodore of the Club
  2. Helffer, Hugues – Board member and Vice Commodore ( Benefactor of the Club)
  3. Barrowman, Douglas – Board member and Vice Commodore ( Benefactor of the Club)
  4. Robert, Stéphane – Board member and Vice Commodore ( Benefactor of the Club)
  5. Boutsen, Daniela – Board member
  6. Foregger, Douglas – Board member
  7. Griggs, Ken – Board member and Treasurer
  8. Hennequet, Jean-Pierre – Board member
  9. Joannou, Carine – Board member
  10. Lampert, Andrew – Board member
  11. Perini, Milena – Board member
  12. Tondina, Pierangelo – Board member and General Secretary

Executive Committee

  1. Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou – Commodore of the Club
  2. Pierangelo Tondina – General Secretary
  3. Griggs, Ken – Treasurer

Social Committee

As of 28 March 2023
The following list represents the enlarged Social Committee of 17 members, in alphabetical order by last name.

  1. Brooks, Peter
  2. Brosnan, Deborah
  3. Chimenti, Letizia
  4. Gison, Lucia
  5. Hancock, Charles
  6. Hennequet – Favard, Oxana
  7. Lester, Richard
  8. Miller, Candice
  9. Modderman, Hugo
  10. Murphy, Orla
  11. Piggott, Simon
  12. Pilsak, Ursula
  13. Quattrocchi, Kay
  14. Riccobon, Gustavo
  15. Saliege, Laurence
  16. Schindelhauer, Kim and Racing officer of the Club
  17. Weber, Minou