Agenda for AGM 28 March 2023

Dear Members of the Gustavia Yacht Club

Please find below the agenda for the Annual General Meeting on the 28th of March 2023:

Physical attendance, at the Clubhouse in Gustavia at 1300h local time or in Monaco at 1800h local time at the
Stelios Philanthropic Foundation Hall (14 Quai Antoine Ier, MC98000 Monaco) led by our Treasurer Ken Griggs

Or via zoom

Meeting ID: 216 537 4442 Passcode: easy

All relevant documents will be published on the website of the club on the following link:

Agenda items as at 11 March 23:

1. Receive and approve the audited accounts for the Year ended 31 December 2022 as published
on the official documents page of the website of the club. (signed on the 27 February 23)
2. Discharge the executive committee and the board for their management of the club for the
year ended 31dec2022
3. Approve the budget for the financial year ending 31Dec2023 as published on the website in due
4. Approve the 2023 membership fees structure: €500 renewal fee for the calendar year 2023 for all
previous members plus €500 joining fee for new member joining in 2023. Partners of members can
join or renew their membership at 50% which means €250 for 2023.
5. Approve the composition of the Executive Committee, the Board and the Social Committee as
published on the website in due course
6. Any other business

Please confirm your attendance to the AGM in one of the two physical locations or by zoom by email to

Drinks and canapes will be served in the two physical locations after the zoom. 

Please also note that the attendance to the AGM is limited to dully paid-up members. If you wish to settle your 2023 membership, this can be done by bank transfer to the banks below or by calling our offices on + (377) 98 80 10 10 between 10am and 5pm Monaco working hours to pay by credit card over the phone. 

Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou
Founder and Commodore 

A not-for-profit association established under French law 1901 established in 2016, Siret: 82152275200012 Association N°:W9J1000126 Clubhouse: 20, rue Jeanne d’Arc, 97133, Gustavia, St Barts . Open Nov-May

   Bankers: BNP St Barts: IBAN: FR76 1308 8090 9807 0144 0006 628 BIC: BNPAMQMXXXX

CFM Monaco IBAN: MC58 1273 9000 7005 8612 0000 001 BIC: CFMOMCMX 

tel: +377-9880-1010 e-mail: