Dear Members,
Please find below the updated Log Book of our club as at 21st May 2022.
Please note that each Log Book will also be available on our website for future reference:
The latest successful events we had in St Barts and Monaco can be seen below
Please find a link to a great article in the Financial Times about our wonderful island:
Enjoy reading it!
Our Club House in Gustavia will close for the season on the 31st of May 22 and will re-open at the beginning of November 2022.
Forthcoming events
Sunday 19 June 2022 at 1pm Lunch in Monaco
Seated Sunday lunch at the Monaco Yacht Club for members with 1 guest. Donation 20 euro. RSPV Andrew Lampert by Friday 10th June 2022. Please understand that a no-show fee of 100 euro will be charged to cover the full cost of the lunch from members that have reserved and did not show up.
Thursday 23 Sunday till 26 June 2022 Spetses
Spetses Classic Regatta
The Commodore’s yacht M/Y Fly me to the moon will be the race committee boat and if any members would like to ride on the yacht for watching the race subject to capacity please email to reserve your space on board during the race. Also drinks on board on Thursday 23rd of June 2022 at 7pm.
Wednesday 28 September till Saturday 1 October 2022 Monaco
Monaco Yacht Show We are still hoping to have a stand at the Monaco Yacht Show but will not know until June 2022. In any event we will have a dinner at the Stelios Foundation Conference Hall in Monaco on Tuesday 27th of September 2022.
With best wishes
Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou
Gustavia Yacht Club ®
A not-for-profit association established under French law 1901
Siret: 821 522 752 00012 Association N°:W9J1000126
Clubhouse: 20, rue Jeanne d’ Arc, 97133, Gustavia, St Barts
tel: +377-9880-1010