13-16 March 2025: Bucket Regatta During the Bucket Regatta, the clubhouse will remain open as usual for our members and guests. 1 April 2025: NYYC Cruising Committee Cocktail Event We are delighted to announce that the New York Yacht Club Cruising Committee https://nyyc.org/nyyc-cruising-rule will host a cocktail evening at the Gustavia Yacht Club clubhouse on 1 April 2025 for thier members visiting our island. We have secured the opportunity to invite up to 10 of our members to this exclusive event in partnership with the NYYC. Invitations will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, with a 40 donation to our club required to confirm your spot pls send RSVPs to Asif at asif.nawaz@easy.com. For all of the above-mentioned events, we suggest a donation to the Club of 40 euros per person. Please RSVP for the dinners to Asif at asif.nawaz@easy.com. Please also note that the 2025 calendar year membership fees are now due. The annual fees remain unchanged at 500 euro for the year for a full member and 250 euros per year for the partner of a full member. For new members, there is an additional one-off joining fee of 500 euro. Members are encouraged to pay by bank transfer to one of the two IBANs below always stating clearly in the payment reference the full first and last name of the member. Bankers: BNP Gustavia IBAN: FR76 1308 8090 9807 0144 0006 628 BIC: BNPAMQMXXXX CFM Monaco IBAN: MC58 1273 9000 7005 8612 0000 001 BIC: CFMOMCMXXXX With the new season on the island in full flow, all paid-up members and their guests are welcomed at our clubhouse from Monday to Saturday 6 pm to 10 pm (closed on Sundays until the end of April 2025) Our bartender, Elodie, elodie.slitane@stelios.com, will offer you a warm welcome Monday through Saturday from 6 pm to 10pm, with an open bar and complimentary snacks. First event of the year in Monaco! Wednesday 2 April 2025, 6.00pm (Monaco time): Gustavia Yacht Club Annual General Meeting (AGM). We will have an online zoom session and two gatherings in person, one in Monaco and one in St. Barts. Please find the zoom link below:
Topic: Stelios Haji-Ioannou’s Personal Meeting Room join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2165374442?pwd=YkI4TnlZSXRNVmNLckpoVmFkdTVNdz09 Meeting ID: 216 537 4442, Passcode: easy
At the Monaco gathering at the Stelios Foundation Conference Hall at the Ruscino (14 Quai Antoine 1er, Monaco, 98000) we will have a buffet dinner. Members in St Barts can attend the AGM from Stelios’ winter office at 16 Rue de la Coline in Gustavia at 12 noon local St. Barts time with Elodie and Asif. The AGM will be followed by a light lunch on the terrace. |